
For residents in properties managed by SW9, please contact SW9 on 0207 326 3700.

To inform us about any issues regarding communal cleaning or gardening services in any other property, you have a few options:

  1. Contact the Contractors:
    • For properties in London, please call our contractor Pinnacle at 0333 2414439.
    • For properties in Herts, please call our contractor New Green at 01707 871516.
  2. Chat to us to get through to a Customer Services Advisor.
  3. Use the Enquiries Form: Another option is to visit our website and utilise the enquiries form located in the enquiries section ( Fill out the form with the necessary details about the cleaning or gardening issue and submit it to us.

By contacting the appropriate contractor or using the enquiries form, you can report any concerns or problems related to communal cleaning or gardening services. We will take the necessary steps to address the issue promptly and ensure the communal areas are well-maintained