
We understand the importance of addressing repair issues promptly, regardless of the time of day or week. Here's what you need to do depending on the type of repair issue you have:

  • Non-emergency repairs: You can conveniently report non-emergency repairs through your My Network Homes account. Whether it's a minor issue with your property or a repair that can wait until normal business hours, My Network Homes provides a user-friendly platform for submitting your request. Simply log in and follow the instructions to report your repair. If you do not have a My Network Homes account, you can register for one or you can raise your repair using our online repair form on our website at
  • Emergency repairs: If you have an emergency repair, where immediate attention is required to ensure safety or prevent further damage, we have a dedicated team available to assist you. If your repair falls into the category of an emergency, please contact us promptly on 0300 373 3000. Our out-of-hours team will be available to handle your call and provide the necessary support.

Our goal is to provide you with responsive service and ensure your repair needs are met, even during evenings and weekends.