
Discovering a roof leak near electrical fixtures can be concerning, but it's important to prioritise your safety and take immediate action. Follow these steps if you notice water coming through the roof and near any electrics:

  • Turn off the electrics:
    • Locate the circuit breaker/fuse box: Familiarise yourself with the location of the circuit breaker or fuse box in your property. It is usually found in a utility area or near the main entrance.
    • Identify the affected room: Determine which room is being affected by the leak and where the electrical fixtures are located within that room.
    • Switch off the power: Safely turn off the electricity in the affected room by switching off the corresponding circuit breaker or removing the appropriate fuse. This step is crucial to minimise the risk of electric shock or damage to electrical equipment.
  • Exercise caution:
    • Do not touch lights or sockets: Once the power is switched off, it's important to avoid touching any lights, switches, or sockets in the affected room. This precautionary measure helps ensure your safety and prevents potential electrical hazards.
  • Contact us:
    • Call us immediately: After taking the necessary steps to secure the area, please contact us without delay on 0300 373 3000. Inform our team about the roof leak near electrics, providing specific details of the situation.
  • Contain the leak:
    • Take precautionary measures: If possible, contain the leak by placing buckets, towels, or other suitable materials to collect the water and prevent it from spreading further. This temporary solution can help minimise water damage until our repair team arrives.

Our dedicated professionals will prioritise your safety and work diligently to resolve the roof leak issue. By promptly reporting the situation to us, we can provide the necessary guidance and schedule a repair visit.